VPK Wrap Around Care
About VPK Wrap Around Care
Florida’s Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program offers 3 hours of academic learning time. While this provides 4-year olds an excellent head start on Kindergarten, it leaves mom or dad scrambling for childcare for the remainder of the day. That’s where Discover After School excels, with morning and afternoon coverage to extend your child’s schooling to meet your work schedule.
Discover After School is a top rated, licensed VPK program, offering age-appropriate activities for preschool students. The daily schedule for wrap around care, includes learning centers, outdoor play, quiet time, and free choice centers with friends. The VPK classrooms are equipped with developmentally appropriate curriculum and resources to promote fine and gross motoring skills, as well as students’ social and emotional well-being.
Core Development
Students develop their thinking, exploration and problem solving skills. These are critical life skills that provide the foundation for a future successful academic journey.
Students develop the process of learning words, sounds and the English language. Early learning literacy leads to higher achievement in school environements.
Emotional Development
Social and emotional development is critical for building relationships with others in life, and navigating lifes challenges. Starting early is a great way to build friendship-making skills.
Physical Development
Focusing on both the brain and body, Physical development isa critical to a healthy life. Instilling physical routines from a young age leads to healthy longterm choices.
Registration for VPK Wrap Around Care
Schedule for VPK Wrap Around Care
Morning Schedule of Activities:
7:30am-8:30am …….. Arrival & Classroom Exploration
8:30am-9:50am …….. Circle Time (Reading & Group Lessons)
9:50am-10:05am ….. Restroom & Snack
10:30am-11:10am … Small Group (S.T.E.A.M.)
10:30am-11:10am … Large Group Activities & Outdoor Time
11:10am-11:20am … Restroom
11:20am-11:45am … End of the Day Activities (Classroom Transition)
Afternoon Schedule of Activities:
11:45am-12:15pm … Lunch
12:15pm-12:30pm … Story & Transition
12:30pm-2:00pm …… Napping & Quiet Time
2:00pm-3:00pm ……… Small Groups (Centers)
3:00pm-3:30pm ……… Restroom, Snack (Classroom Transition)
3:30pm-4:30pm ……… Large Group Activities & Outdoor Time
4:30pm-6:00pm ………. Classroom Exploration & Dismissal
Frequently Asked Questions